Responsible Conduct Policy

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5. Client conduct expectations

Our vision that “every Tasmanian is connected with reading and ideas, and our histories and cultures, in welcoming, safe, inclusive spaces,” relies on visitors to behave appropriately in line with contemporary standards. The following sets out our visitor conduct expectations.

Be considerate

  • Contribute to creating a harmonious and safe environment for all visitors and staff.
  • Consider if behaviour is impacting on others.
  • Be mindful of the diverse needs of others.
  • Keep noise levels low and use headphones for audio.

Be Responsible         

  • Take care of personal belongings.
  • Supervise children in their care.
  • Report any concerns regarding child safety, or incidents of harassment, victimisation, or racism.
  • Refrain from smoking, vaping or using drugs in library building or entering library spaces if intoxicated.
  • Give space to people with assistance animals.

Behave respectfully

  • Be polite and courteous to staff and other visitors.
  • Follow staff directions.
  • Allow others to access information freely without judgement.
  • Respect library spaces, furniture and equipment.
  • Handle collection items with care and notify staff if an item is damaged.
  • Observe copyright laws when copying and sharing online content.

Practice online safety

  • Follow Internet Conditions of Use when using public PCs and WiFi.
  • Exercise caution when entering personal information and protect passwords.
  • Supervise their children’s online viewing on public internet devices.
  • Refrain from accessing inappropriate online content and report any concerning online activity or behaviour to staff.
  • Stay vigilant against online misinformation and fake news, especially on social media.