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Historic buildings

If your building is very old and perhaps historically significant, these resources will help. Search by property name, if you have one, as well as by address. If you are not sure whether your property had a name in the past, search by address in LISTmap to see if a name is listed.

Helpful Libraries Tasmania resources include:

  • A selection of publications in our collection on historic buildings.
  • Heritage reviews, which may mention your historic building.
  • Tasmanian Indexes and other useful historic newspaper resources including:
    • The Tasmanian Index 1966-1994 – a digitised card index to Tasmanian newspapers, journals and some other important early publications such as John West’s History of Tasmania (1852) and the Cyclopedia of Tasmania (1900 and 1931). Useful for property and people searches.
    • The Tasmanian Index 1994-2010 – an online database indexing the three Tasmanian daily newspapers, the district newspapers, major Tasmanian serial publications, and a wide range of books about Tasmania’s built heritage. Contains detailed references to places, people and events.
    • Whitfeld Index (Tasmanian Section) – a selective index of personal names found in Tasmanian colonial newspapers 1816-c.1900, mostly relevant to Northern Tasmania, as well as a subsection of topical and geographic entries. Emphasis on members of early settler and eminent families and includes land grants and property sales.

Heritage Tasmania has the latest register of Tasmanian heritage properties available for viewing and downloading. Also see Heritage Tasmania publications [electronic resource] and publication The heritage of Tasmania : the illustrated register of the National Estate.

The Tasmanian Family History Society provides a Comprehensive Subject Index-CSI on the Web (, a searchable database of references to named people, objects, places or events.

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