Our collections

We hold three main collections:

Our collections enable Tasmanians to explore their diverse social and cultural histories and interests. We are committed to working with First Nations peoples to ensure our collections and spaces are culturally inclusive, welcoming and safe.

Our collections sustain the free flow of information and ideas that a thriving culture, economy, environment and democracy require. We support the free access to information statement from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Our collections are for general public access.

We follow the Australian Classification decisions to restrict some material, such DVDs rated R18+, to library borrowers in the appropriate age group. We do not censor or remove material even if some of our clients may find the content offensive.

Our collections include material for all ages. Parents and guardians are strongly encouraged to supervise their child’s access to library materials both at home and in the library.


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