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This section includes tracks, lines and crossings, buildings such as stations, yards and roundhouses, bridges, and land surveys.

The main series are:

1833-1992       Civil Engineering Drawings of Tasmanian Railways and Works (P1330)

1930-1997       Architectural Drawings, Railway Civil (P1332)

1952-1989       Index to Level Crossings Files (P2147)

1962-1992       Papers relating to Tasmanian Railway Bridges (P2421)

1935-1938       Survey/sketch Books of Tasmanian Railway Station Yards and Sidings (p2377)

1965-1973       Train Control Diagrams (P2334)

1969-1982       Index Booklets to Property Files, Civil Engineering Branch (P2341)

1942-1978       Cottage and Station Folders (P2370)

1965-1997       Civil Engineering Reports, Tender Documentation, Specifications and Surveys relating to Tasmanian Railways (P2378)

1950-1960       Civil Engineering Construction Drawings, District Engineer South, Location Order Series (P2638)

1872-1997       Clearance, Curve and Gradient, Cant and Other Measurements of the Tasmanian Railways Permanent Way (P2829)

Other records of interest

1880- 1932      Surveyors’ Field Books relating to Various Railways (PWD231)

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