On a PC or laptop

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please contact us.

Searching the Library Catalogue on a PC or laptop

The Library Catalogue tab searches all lending, reference, heritage and digital collections in Libraries Tasmania.

If we don’t have the lending library item that you are looking for, let us know via the Suggestion for purchase form.

Your library account

When you are in our catalogue, you will see Log In at the top of the screen.

Logging in gives you access to My Account, My Lists and the ability to place a hold.


Log into My Account and click on the Loans tab.


You can have up to 15 holds on physical items.

My Lists

When you are in our catalogue, My Lists is at the very top of the screen. Click on My Lists and a new window will open. If you are already logged in, you will see your Temporary List and saved lists.

On a tablet or phone

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