This information is general so images may not look exactly like your catalogue because there are different versions for colleges, high schools, primary schools and DECYP specialist libraries. Please ask your library staff for help.

Searching the school library catalogue

Icon searches

You can quickly do a search by clicking an icon from the catalogue home page:

Some search icons have a sub-menu with more icons. Click the icon that is the best match for your needs.

Simple word searches

Enter search words in the search box at the top of the catalogue and click the search icon or hit the Enter key.

Search results

If your search finds potential matches, you will see a list of search results:

You can edit your search results list by using the options under the Limit Search Results heading. For example you can refine your search to a specific author or format:

In the example below, the Author J.K. Rowling and book Format was selected. If you want to remove a selection from your search, just click the red cross.

How to find the location of an item

There are several ways to find the location of specific items.

1. The location of items may be visible from the search list:

2. If you see a Show items button, click it to see where an item is located.

3. Click the cover or title of a search result to go to the Details tab.

Searching specific fields

If you want to search for a specific author, title, series or subject you can use the drop down arrow beside All Words:

This is an example of a Series search:

This is an example of a Title search:

New searches

There are several ways to start a new search. You can:

1. Click New Search, enter new search words and click the search icon:

2. Click the Refresh icon and start a new search:

Sorting search results

You can change the way your search results are sorted by using the drop down menu:

Changing the view

You can switch between two different views of search results.

This is the list view:

This is the thumbnail view:

Search result options

You can tick the box of one or more search results and use the Select an Action menu:

You can select all search results on that page by clicking the box beside Select an Action:

Extras tab

The Extras tab is a great way to find more information about a book and to find ‘read-a-likes’. Find the tab by searching for an item and then clicking on the cover or title.

Information is different for each book. You may find a summary, series information, author information, reading levels, similar authors suggestions, ‘you may also like’ suggestions and search tags.

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