This information is general so images may not look exactly like your catalogue because there are different versions for colleges, high schools, primary schools and DECYP specialist libraries. Please ask your library staff for help. 

Library lists

You can create a temporary list of catalogue items which can be emailed, printed or saved. The list will disappear when your internet browser times out or is closed.

You can also create saved lists by logging in. Saved lists can also be emailed or printed.

Temporary lists

Search the catalogue and tick the search results you want to save to a list. Go to Select an Action and click Add to My Lists:

You will see a confirmation message:

Click My Lists at the top of the screen to see your list: 

You can print, email, delete one or more items in the list. To do this, tick the items and use the Select an Action menu:

You can place a hold on an item in your list via the Select an Action menu or the Place Hold button

Saving a temporary list

Click My Lists at the top of the screen and log in (if you aren’t already logged in).

You will see any items recently added to your Temporary List. Here is an example:

Name the list and click Save:

Your temporary list will now be empty and your saved list appears:

Click the name of the saved list to see what it contains. If you tick any of the items in the list, you can use the Select an Action menu to delete, email, print or place a hold. You can also move or copy items to another list:

How to create a saved list

To create a new saved list, click the Add List icon: 

Give the new list a name and click Create:

There is no limit to the number of saved lists you can have. Don’t save more than 121 items to a list. 

How to delete a saved list

Tick the box beside the list/s you want to delete. Click the Delete Lists icon:

Click the Delete button if you are sure:

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