This information is general so images may not look exactly like your catalogue because there are different versions for colleges, high schools, primary schools and DECYP specialist libraries. Please ask your library staff for help. 

Manage your loans

How to see your loans​

In most libraries you can click the My Account link at the top of the screen and log in:

Your loans and their dates are listed on the Loans tab. In the example below the loan is not overdue and has been renewed once:

The example below shows three loans that have been renewed twice. The red icons display if you have overdue loans. You can also see that this person is blocked from borrowing:

How to renew your loans

In some libraries you can renew your loans. 

On the Loans tab, click the box beside the loans you want to renew. Then click the Renew button:

Look for a green confirmation message or a red failure message. 

Please ask library staff for help if you have problems or questions. 

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