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3.10 Libraries Tasmania responsibilities for volunteers

Libraries Tasmania is committed to provide a duty of support to volunteers as outlined in the Volunteer Commitment and the additional responsibilities outlined below:

  • Manage and respect a volunteers’ confidential and personal information under the principles of the Personal Information Protection Act 2004.
  • Comply with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation in volunteer recruitment practices.
  • Provide accurate information about Libraries Tasmania including our strategic directions.
  • Provide a position description and information that clearly defines the volunteer role.
  • Provide access to a grievance procedure and conflict resolution process.
  • Provide effective induction and orientation to Libraries Tasmania and the sites(s) in which they will volunteer.
  • Provide supervision and guidance as required.
  • Ensure volunteers have a clear understanding of limits of authority and who they report to.
  • Ensure volunteer feel part of the team by including them in meetings, social events etc – as appropriate.
  • Entrust volunteers with confidential information as needed to conduct their role as discussed during volunteer induction and agreed to by signing the Libraries Tasmania volunteer commitment.
  • Provide feedback on their activities and recognition of their contribution.
  • Ensure volunteers are familiar with the principles and statements outlined in this policy.
  • Allocate appropriate volunteer tasks and activities.