5.4 Unacceptable behaviour in public libraries
Libraries Tasmania staff use a range of strategies when responding to a library visitor’s unacceptable behaviour. As each situation is different, factors that determine how a staff member will respond include the:
- Nature and severity of the unacceptable behaviour and the need for urgent response.
- Impact on the safety or enjoyment of others in the library.
- Impact on Libraries Tasmania property including collection items.
Examples of response strategies include:
- Instructing the person to stop the unacceptable behaviour.
- Warning the person that they will be directed to leave the premises if they continue the unacceptable behaviour.
- Directing a person to leave a library for the remainder of the day or up to 48 hours if they ignore the initial warning (exclusion).
- Suspending (temporarily or permanently) library user access privileges, for example from: borrowing lending items, using library computers and the internet.
- Excluding or banning the individual from entering library premises temporarily or permanently.
- Contacting Tasmania Police or other emergency services, the Strong Families Safe Kids Advice and Referral Line (ARL) etc.