Lending Collection Development Guideline

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5.8 Non-book collections

Audio and eAudio books

The collection comprises a range of general, genre and literary fiction together with bestselling and topical non-fiction titles.  All titles considered for addition to the physical book lending collection can be considered for purchase in audiobook (CD format) or eAudio format.  Physical audiobooks are purchased for adult, young adult and junior audience. eAudio books have an increasing audience and are the preferred audio format for most adults and young adults. Unabridged works are preferred, however abridged versions will be considered.


The DVD collection caters to the entertainment needs of the community in an audio-visual format. The collection has two main criteria. Criteria one includes feature, independent and classic, award-winning, Australian foreign language and animated films. Criteria two includes general mainstream film releases. The collection also provides access to content made for television and streaming service series, with a particular focus on those based on books. Book holdings are reviewed when films and DVD are purchased.

Console games

This collection provides access to console video game software for junior, young adult, and adult clients. It is a collection focused on popular entertainment. The collection covers a broad range of video game genres such as strategy, role-playing, action, adventure, and sport.  The collection includes games for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. It includes games rated G, PG, M and MA15+. In-demand and award-winning R18+ games are also considered for addition to the collection.


The aim of the CD collection is to provide a balanced selection of music from a cross-section of genres including popular, jazz, folk and country, as well as a selection of classical musical forms, periods, composers, and performers. 


Current magazines are available for borrowing, in physical format and online. There is a broad range of popular subjects tailored to meet the needs and interests of a diverse cross section of the community. Subscriptions are reviewed on an annual basis.