Community Archive Collection Development Guideline

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6. Definitions


Systematically applying criteria for the identification of records having permanent value as Tasmanian community archives.


Converting hard-copy or non-digital records into digital format. It can involve taking digital photographs of original records or scanning (imaging) records.


The physical or digital makeup of an item. Formats may include books, serials, maps, pictures, microform, computer file, DVD and CD.


Any title, regardless of format.


Any works or items.


Objects, such as coins, items, or natural specimens, that are included in a collection primarily composed of documentary materials, as in a library.


Library resources can be in many formats, physical or digital, including books, databases, maps, microform and newspapers, and are used for accessing and sharing information.


The relationships between records and the organisations or individuals that created, accumulated and/or maintained and used those records in the conduct of personal or corporate activity.


A ‘work’ may be a monograph, pamphlet, newspaper, map or ephemera. It may refer to a single book or resource or it may be used to describe the total output of an individual for example ‘the works of Richard Flanagan’.