Safeguarding Children Policy

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8. Definitions

Abuse (child abuse)

Abuse means child abuse and encompasses any or all types of abuse and neglect, including physical abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, and exposure to or involvement in domestic and family violence (DECYP Safeguarding Framework definition).


Includes anyone under the age of 18 (DECYP Safeguarding Framework definition). For the purposes of this Policy and Procedure, the following additional terms are used:

  • “younger child” or “younger children” refers to children aged 0-11 years
  • “older child” or “older children” refers to children aged 12-17 years

Child sexual abuse

Any act (including grooming) that exposes a child to, or involves a child in, sexual activities that are beyond their understanding, are contrary to accepted community standards, or are outside what is allowed by law (DECYP Safeguarding Framework definition).

Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour displayed by children and young people that may be harmful or abusive, encompassing a range of behaviours, from problematic to abusive, that are directed towards other children, young people or adults, and that may be harmful to those displaying the behaviour as well as those to whom it is directed.

Library or libraries


  • any Libraries Tasmania public library location
  • the Reading Room, Allport Gallery and other public spaces in the State Library Building at 91 Murray Street, Hobart

Older child/children

Means a child who is aged 12-17 years (inclusive).


A child’s mother or father, primary carer, guardian or any responsible adult or family member entrusted with the child’s supervision.


A person engaged by DECYP/Libraries Tasmania to perform a role or provide a service. This includes paid employees, volunteers, students on work experience placement, contractors or subcontractors.


Supervision requires that the supervising person is always within sight of their child. Children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent, or the parent must have arranged for the child’s supervision while in the library.

Younger child/children

Means a child aged 0-11 years (inclusive).