Tasmanian audio and film

Men wearing a hat

Tasmanian audio online

Our SoundCloud account is growing all the time. Listen to interviews with a World War 1 veteran and piano concertos by Eileen Joyce.
Audio is increasingly available through our website, including these interviews with Tasmanian war correspondent Neil Davis.

Film cover image

Borrow Tasmanian films from your local library

Browse through hundreds of DVDs, all with a connection to Tasmania.

Lady listening to music

Tasmanian music to borrow

Music from our lending collections, by, about or recorded in Tasmania.

Video Camera

View films not online in the History Room

Ask us if you wish to view these films at other library locations. Note: Some films cannot be viewed due to their format. These have “no viewing copy” in the item description.

Tasmanian Waltzes

Finding audio in archives

Listen to audio from our archival collections in the Reading Room in Hobart. To find a specific piece of audio, use the keyword “audio” and what you are looking for in the description field of an item search.

Animated Australia

Finding film in archives

Choose from thousands of films not available online. To find a specific film, use the keyword “film” and what you are looking for in the description field of an item search.

Riflemen, Form

Tasmanian musical scores

Online printable musical scores by, about or originally collected by Tasmanians.

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