We are committed to delivering open data as part of providing free access to information resources and support in their use.

We have made over a million records available in a variety of file formats as part of the open datase​ts available at http://data.gov.au/organization/libraries-tasmania under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.

What is open data?

As outlined in The Tasmanian Open Data Policy (PDF 286KB) open data can be fully used, reused and distributed.

To read more about open data see

Sample open data sets include:​

Tasmanian Convicts (1803-1893)

Convicts transported to Tasmania and those convicted locally through the convict system. Over 80,000 records available.

Private Reginald Allen Biggs (Private Ashmead)

World War 1 Soldiers and Nurses (1914-1928)

Selected photographs and articles from the Tasmanian Mail and Weekly Courier newspapers. The data has also been linked to Discovering Anzacs the National Archives of Australia site which features the 375,971 digitised World War I Australian service records. The records were indexed by Wendy Knolle and kindly supplied by the Tasmanian Family History Society, Hobart Branch.

Libraries Tasmania Digitised Archives

Our collection of digitised archives including files, letters, manuscripts, maps, plans, photographs films and more.

Hobart Town from the new wharf

Tasmanian Arrivals (19th Century)

Passengers and ships arrivals, mainly in Hobart. Over 94,000 records available.

Tasmanian Hotels & Properties Records (1818-1958)

Over 5,000 Tasmanian hotel and property records.

More Tasmanian datasets


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