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Tasmanian Archives Divorce Records

The main series of records for Divorces in Tasmania is:

1861-1976     Documents in Cases in Divorce (SC89)

These Documents are indexed up to 1950 in the Tasmanian Names Index.

Divorces in the Tasmanian Names Index

The Tasmanian Names Index provides access to numerous records, including birth and death records, health and welfare records, and divorces.

Our Names Index indexes divorces from 1861 to 1950.

Divorces between 1861 and 1920 have been digitised. To find these, search the Names Index by entering the name of the individual; for instance ‘John Smith’.

You can limit your search using the ‘Limit Search results’ criteria in the menu on the left-hand side, selecting ‘Divorces’.

For further tips and information about the Names Index, we have a more detailed information page.

Divorces from 1920 to 1950 appear in the Names Index but are not digitised. For access, use item number listed in the Names Index – for instance SC89/1/94 – to order and view the item.

Divorces from 1950 to 1976 are not indexed in the Names Index. You will need to contact the Supreme Court for a Case File number, as they have retained the index.

Please be aware that Divorce records are restricted for 50 years. For access to Divorce Records less than 50 years old, please contact the Supreme Court.

Divorces from 1976 are handled by the Family Law Court of Australia. You will need to contact them for information and access to Divorces from this period.

Other Items of Interest

1861-1943            Minutes of Proceedings in Divorce (SC38)

1967-1976            Burnie District Registry – Documents in Cases in Divorce (SC517) (Restricted D50)

1945-1976            Launceston District Registry – Document in Cases in Divorce (SC550) (Restricted D50)


Divorce court proceedings were often announced in the major Tasmanian newspapers. Trove provides access to a majority of these newspapers, and is searchable.

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