State Library and Tasmanian Archives Blog

The Fire of ’67

A picture of a stree and buildings from up high, a building burns in the background.
Photograph. Image 3 – Gore Street Mill, South Hobart – before, during and after bushfire. PH30/1/8552

It was one of Australia’s worst disasters. In just a few hours on Tuesday afternoon, 7 February, 1967, 64 people lost their lives and 900 were injured. Around 1,400 buildings were destroyed – homes, factories, schools, churches, halls. People lost family, their livelihoods, homes, friends, pets and possessions. Thousands of animals were killed.

50 years on, we invite you to reflect on the chaos of the disaster, its aftermath, and the beginnings of recovery, through the records of the Tasmanian Archive and Heritage Office.

‘On the 7th February 1967 there were at least fourty-one fires in the affected areas and most of these “ran” on the 7th February 1967. It was too late – all action should have been taken prior to that date. Fires that had been burning and which had been brought under control and were considered “safe” caused most of the major fires. It would appear no attempt [was] generally made to stop fires burning in wooded areas or hilly country until these fires [came] out into the open paddocks or cleared areas…

A aerial view of hills covered in trees with smoke coming from trees below
Scenes of the 1967 bush fires, TAHO: AA193-1-01638

‘The fire hazard on the 7th February 1967 was extremely high…The exceptional growth during the year, the extremely dry conditions, high temperatures and gale force winds [caused] a fire storm which was impossible to control. The fires travelled at frightening and incredible speeds. The temperature reached [40°C] the highest February reading for sixty-eight years.’

‘At times smoke and air borne debris reduced visibility to practically nothing as westerly and north-westerly winds carried the fire before them through large areas of the Municipalities of Glenorchy, Hobart, Kingborough, Cygnet, Huon, Esperance, Clarence, Richmond and Sorell, resulting in a tragic loss of life; the destruction of hundreds of homes; the destruction of large rural areas…fencing, farm buildings…the destruction of thousands of head of livestock.’ Police Superintendent, 1967 (AE239/1/2)

​’I am perfectly convinced that no amount of machinery, equipment nor the numbers of men could have controlled the fires under the conditions prevailing on the day. I have experienced large fires…I have never seen one so out of control’ Police Constable, Swansea, report dated 7 March 1967 (AE239/1/1)

Part of a police report. Text reads: “Tuesday started off by being terribly hot, right from the start. At mid-day, going down Bathurst street to the “royal” to see day, it had to be felt to know what it was like, the temp was 102 degrees, and the wind was almost a young gale, and searing hot. It was dreadful, at 1 o’clock , the smoke was so thick that the heat seemed less. But it was just about 3 o’clock when everything seemed to start. How the fire brigade managed to get brigades everywhere at once, no one will ever know, but sirens were blowing continuously – or so it seemed.”
TAHO: NS1527-1-1 p. 1



‘The flames from the burning houses [were] right over the road, and sparkes and debris from the fire, also iron from the roofs was flying accross the highway. Hydro and Telephone poles, were burnt and fell accross the road…’ Sergeant, Southern Traffic Control, report dated 8 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

New Norfolk…

‘Flames were hundreds of feet in the air and jumped the river Derwent near Forest Lodge, and continued on to Sorell Creek. In fact the township was surrounded by a fire storm.’ Police Inspector, New Norfolk, report dated 15 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)


‘Every person from the labourer to a Salvation army Captain and Father Lloyd, the Catholic priest were all endeavouring to prevent the spread of the flames from reaching a number of houses but it was being learnt fast that it was impossible to contain.’ Detective Constable, Kingston Police Station, report dated 1 March 1967 (AE239/1/2)

Over walnut tree 3.05 p.m. – Probably from Pretyman home in Braddon Avenue, TAHO: NS3121-1-560Levendale State School…

When the fire [came] it was impossible to shelter the children on the oval since strong down-draughts of air caused sheets of flame from the steep hill bordering it to cover the oval with flame. The serious situation that ocurrred at 2:15pm when the flame encircled the school was not forseen…[The remaining children] were evacuated…it was known before evacuating the children that the area to which they were going was safe and that only a few hundred yards of flame had to be passed through. Headmaster, Levendale State School, report dated 11 April, 1967 (CBE24/1/4)

Snug Area School…

At approximately 1:30pm, all children on school premises were taken…to the School Assembly Hall. At this time visibility was poor and…children clasped hands in order to keep together…curtains were drawn so that as little as possible of what was occurring outside the building could by seen by the children, and the Music Teacher…conducted Community Singing…At approximately 2pm, it was realised that there was a fire inside the tower adjacent to the Assembly Hall…After all children had left, the fire in the school tower spread through the main wing of the school proper. Headmaster, Snug Area School, report dated 14 April, 1967 (CBE24/1/4)

A photo of a 3 story building on fire.
Photograph – Old Steam Mill, Gore Street, South Hobart, on fire, 1967 bush fires, TAHO: NS5391/1/3

Photo Credits: Before NS5391/1/2 After NS5391/1/4

Part of a police report. Text reads: “The smoke was thicker than ever, and cars had to light up, etc. we then ran the hoses up the front, and hosed the hedges etc, in the front of the house: the man opposite where Weymouth’s lived hosed his front fence and house. This was because by then sheets of flame could be seen up the street, on the other side, up above William Street, and people said “2 houses were gone”. Soon it changed to “6 houses were gone, and the fire was coming down”. It really was a terrifying afternoon, and how we thanked the Lord for putting Day into hospital, because she always has had a great fear of fire, She knew nothing of all this. Actually, a row of 9 houses went, then some gaps, and in all 16. We have not been up to see it; it is all too awful. But sight seers are there, all right. Its’s been like a very busy thoroughfare with cars up and down. They went all through Tuesday night too.”
TAHO: NS1527-1-1 p. 1


‘Just could not at times get any message through as by now the fire had become completely out of control…the Channel Highway was becoming almost impassable from smoke and other burning debris.’ Detective Constable, Kingston Police Station, report dated 1 March 1967 (AE239/1/2)


‘I smelt smoke and looked towards the north west and could see some smoke, and it didn’t give the impression of being close. We worked on, but at the same time I noticed heavy smoke to the south…the time I saw this smoke there was no fire in this valley at all…Dad took the tractor and went off towards the fire. That was the last I saw of him…’ Property owner, Colebrook, report dated 16 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

‘The fire came over the top of Mt. Mercer and ignited the whole of the valley. I tried to let my dogs off, but got cut off. This would be a bit after 12 midday.

I then tried to get back to the house, but was again cut off and had to go into the bush to escape the flames. I made it to the Colebrook Road but fell over; as I did this however the flames passed straight over my head.

By this time the house caught fire and I got my wife and got out to the middle of the road. My wife didn’t get burnt, but I suffered bad burns to my hands, arms and face. I’ve been in hospital now for fifteen days.’ Grazier, Colebrook, report dated 23 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

A picture of a house and power lines with a Smokey red sky.
Northwards 3 p.m.Probably from Pretyman home in Braddon Avenue, TAHO: NS3121-1-559

Lenah Valley…

Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.2


‘The obtaining of…volunteer fire fighters took considerable time and the response was only moderate, no doubt due to the fact that men who would normally be available were probably already engaged in fighting fires in and around their own properties…no equipment was available to supply to the fire fighters…Several houses and buildings were already burning and could not be saved. The only thing that could be done was to protect other houses and buildings…to prevent them from catching on fire, and to move stock from paddocks of dry grass into the nearby orchards. ‘ Police Sergeant, Huonville, report dated 8 March, 1967 (AE239/1/2)

Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.1


‘At 1:10 pm…I saw a wave of fire 50 feet high jump 200 yards of previous burn off near the Chigwell water reservoir coming towards my fence…I applied the hoses to the fences and sheds and was engulfed in 50 foot flames. My son found me and we did save [my house]. All 3 side fences were alight at one time…The fire swept on and engulfed the workshop in front of my home and swept back…towards Glenorchy. This was at 1:30-2pm.’ Resident, Chigwell, report dated 26 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.2


‘We were using garden hoses to try and dampen the grass along the rear of our properties…the fire started in the top end of the paddock and raced towards us at terrific speed. When the fire was practically to us, I threw my hose over the fence and jumped over myself…I saw Mr. [-] pick his hose up and make towards his fence…I ran to the radio car…and radioed for any assistance available…

I could hear Mr [-] singing out…I found him running down my yard with his clothes and boots on fire. His hair had been burned off and he was a mass of flames. I grabbed a bag and tried to smother the flames in his clothes but this was unsuccessful. I then tore his clothes and gumboots off. I then heard Mrs [-] going up her yard and I called her over to attend to her husband whilst I went back to fight the fires which had set alight to our fences…

After assuring that our properties were safe, I was taken to the Royal Hobart Hospital for treatment to my left hand which was burned when I tore the clothing and gum boots from Mr [-]. Whilst I was fighting the fires in our fences and in Mr [-]s wood shed, other men arrived to assist but I do not know who was there or where they came from. I do know that some Police Officers were there.’ Senior Constable, Glenorchy, report dated 14 March, 1967 (AE239/1/2)

A black and white photo of people standing in front of a fence watching buildings on fire.
1967 bush fires in the South Hobart area, black and white photo, TAHO: NS5391/1/7
Part of a police report. Text reads: “It shows how explosive the air was; Just a blazing cinder… and something else went. Waterworks Road, so a man told me this a.m., “would make you weep to see it”. All the houses on the road just completely wiped off. Athalie Mayso gone; also Ruby Robarts’., Some houses in Wentworth Street, and Strickland Avenue received the full blast”
TAHO: NS1527-1-1 p. 2

Part of a police report. Text reads: “Heard just now that Ban Boss-Walker had to run a mile during it all. Also of a Church of Christ lady who had to run through two blazing hedges on either side of her, up McRobies Gully, she got through safely. But others up there (Cascades) Perished, Poor things.”
TAHO: NS1527-1-1
A photo of a "road closed" sign on a fence. houses in the background and burnt trees on hills in the distance.
Bridge to McRobies Gully, South Hobart, TAHO: NS3121-1-556
Part of a police report. Text on the page reads: “District Southern. Station Houonvill. Date 17/2/67. Subject Re: Duties performed by constable R.E. Belbin No. 448. During bushfires on 7/2/67. Sir, At about 9.20 A.M on Tuesday the 7/2/67 I was instructed by inspector C.F. Hills to travel to Longley. My instructions were to assist Traffic Police who were on duty there owing to a fire at Fern Tree which had closed the Huon Highway. On my arrival at Longley there was a large fire burning on both sides of the Huon Highway about one and a half miles North of the Kingston turn off. The Huon Highway had been closed to all traffic. I assisted with the traffic for a short time and then made a patrol of the back roads West of Longley. There were several fires burning in this area but no homes were in immediate danger. Sergeant Pocock and I then travelled through the fire North of the Kingston turn off to investigate a report that a woman was trapped in a house in the middle of the fire. We found that the woman had been removed by firemen. Wethen conveyed a boy we found stranded in the middle of the fire back to Longley and left him with Salvation Army Officers who said they would return him to his home at Sandfly. I then conveyed a Salvation Army Officer to Neika to provide food and drink to firemen who were unable to return to Hobart because of the fire at Fern Tree. I was then instructed by Sergeant Pocock to do a patrol of the Kingston Road and found that it was possible to go right through Kingston. When I attempted to return to Longley I found that there was a large tree across the Huon Highway about a mile North of Longley. I Located a H.E.C vehicle and we removed the tree from the road with axes and a chain saw. There were very strong winds blowing at this stage and as I travelled to Longley another two trees fell across the Highway behind me. On reaching Longley I saw that the town was completely surrounded by fire and several houses were burning. All the people of the town had taken refuge in the Hotel. I assisted some people who were loading their belonging onto a truck and as I was doing this I was informed that the hotel was on fire.”
Duties performed by Constable Belbin 1 of 2
Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.3
Part of a police report. Text on the page reads: “District Southern. Station Houonvill. Date 17/2/67. Subject Re: Duties performed by constable R.E. Belbin No. 448. During bushfires on 7/2/67. At this stage it was not possible to get out of the town as there were trees across the Highway to the North and a Service Station on fire south of the Hotel and the flames were leaping across the Highway. A building was on fire at the rear of the Hotel and I assisted in attempting to put it out. A water tanker arrived on the scene and all the water from the tank was pumped onto the blaze but failed to put it out. We decided that it was not possible to put the fire out as we were unable to get close enough with the hoses and knapsack pumps because of the heat and smoke. At this stage I attempted to radio Hobart to inform them that the people of Longley were all trapped at the Hotel which was in danger of burning but I was unable to get through. I then informed the people that I would attempt to get pas the services station and see if the highway was clear to the South and let them know. I managed to get pas the services station but as I was going up the hill south of Longley a tree burned off and fell across the highway in front of my vehicle. I attempted to break some of the branches off the tree in order to clear part of the road but I was forced back into the car by the heat and smoke. As I got into the vehicle a large tree fell across the highway behind it. I then saw another large tree falling towards the front of the cab of the vehicle. I moved the car forward and this tree grazed the top of the car, broke off the ariel and fell on the rear end smashing the window. A short time later I obtained transport to Huonville with a motorist who was attempting to travel to Hobart but had to turn back. On arrival I reported to Inspector Hills. I then borrowed a chain saw and in company with one of the local H.E.C vehicles I returned to Longley. We moved the trees from the Highway and found that the Longley hotel had been saved from the fire. I then returned to the Huonville Police Station where I performed patrols and other duties until 3.45 A.M. on 8/2/67. Report herewith as requested. Inspector C.F. Hills Huonville”
Duties performed by Constable Belbin 2 of 2
Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.3


‘Although the tragedy of February 7th passed, the picture for days and weeks ahead presented grave possibilities of further tragedy in the event of possible outbreaks in tinder dry areas. There was no expectation of prolonged relief from high fire danger on account of extremely high temperatures and blustery north westerly winds.’ Police Superintendent, Hobart, report dated 27 April 1967 (AE239/1/1)

A picture showing the damage the fire casued, as seen from atop a mountain.
Mt Wellington fire damage, TAHO: NS2297-1-56


‘At approximately 5am [on the 8th of February] I ascertained that all persons who had been burned out had been given shelter, and all had a place to sleep. Due to reports of further fire danger I decided that the schools should not open…’ Senior Constable, Cygnet, report dated 20 February, 1967

New Norfolk…

‘On the morning of the 8.2.67 a Relief Centre was set up at this Headquarters…Mrs [-] took charge of a local team of voluntary female staff and appropriate records were kept of those calling at the centre for their needs over the course of the following five days. Many and varied supplies were received from many centres and organisations. These were distributed as equably as possible…’ Police Inspector, New Norfolk, report dated 15 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

A bot standing in the street in front of a building burned out by fire.
Opposite Penitentary Cascades, South Hobart, TAHO: NS3121-1-555
Part of a letter. Text illegible
TAHO: NS1648-1-1 p.1
3 Images. Top: The ruins of a burnt down building surrounded by burnt trees. Left: A woman standing next to a burnt down building. Right: 3 people standing looking at burnt trees,
Ruins, TAHO: NS3121-1-568 to 570
Part of a police report. Text reads: “Houses would have gone. They were ready to get into the dam, as dace thought it was all over. They are clearing round the pace today, as fears are help for tomorrow. Everywhere the picture is the same… odd houses left standing in midst of utter ruin. It is really terrible. Nobody can think or talk of anything else.”
TAHO: NS1527-1-1 p.2
An ariel view of Hobart. Hills with burnt trees in the distance.
South Hobart – view from top of Forest Road looking over South Hobart – panoramic view shows Huon Road across to Waterworks Road and Macquarie and Darcy Street intersection, TAHO: NS2297-1-66

‘There is hardly an area we have not worked in. We have troops working in practically every devastated area. We have been distributing water from water trucks. We have provided ambulances to assist with the collection of the dead. We have assisted with the stock killing and disposal and handled some thousands of tons of stores. All this of course is in addition to the staff we supplied to Brighton Camp to house these people. We supplied 600 mattresses, couple of thousand sheets, a thousand pillow slips, a thousand hurricane lamps…At this stage all this is continuing. Since the fire risk has decreased slightly we have been able to use fire-fighting teams in the field to assist land-owners in clearing up.” Army Colonel, report dated 16 February, 1967 (AE239/1/2)

Rubble where buildings once stood. Seen from the road atop a hill. untouched houses in the distance.
Fire damage on Forest Road, TAHO: NS2297-1-50

The fires caused damage and destruction to many landmark buildings around Hobart. Some of these survived, some were rebuilt. Others have been all but forgotten.

Cascades Brewery kept its iconic facade, but lost many of its outbuildings, including the bottling plant, leaving behind tons of melted and shattered glass

3 images. Left image: a picture of the Cascades brewery seen from the street. Smoke can be seen in the background. Right image: A view of behind the brewery. Fire damaged buildings in the foreground. Bottom image:burnt trees on a hillside.
Cascades Brewery, TAHO: NS3121-1-565 to 567

Photo Credits: Before PH30/1/8552-1 After PH30/1/8552-6

Photo Credits: Before PH30/1/509a After PH30/1/509b

Photo Credits: Before NS2297/1/61a After NS2297/1/61b


‘It is normally accepted that the only profit in a wildfire is in what can be learnt from it.’ V Cleary, FPO Victoria, July 1964 (AE239/1/2)

‘We will never eliminate altogether fires being lit either deliberately, or accidentally. But fires can be controlled while in their infancy, and before they become a threat. Fires must be completely extinguished. The only fire that is under control is the fire that is out.’ Fireman, New Norfolk, report issued 23 February 1967 (AE239/1/1)

‘Prior to the 7th of February1967 there were occasionally small fires burning about the scrub area…On all occasions we noticed any fires they were reported…These call were never recorded prior to the disaster day, but we are making it a practice to do this now.’ Shift Operator, Hydro Electric Commission, Chapel Street, report dated 4 May 1967 (AE239/1/2)

‘I am perfectly convinced that no amount of machinery, equipment nor the numbers of men could have controlled the fires under the conditions prevailing on the day. I have experienced large fires…I have never seen one so out of control’ Police Constable, Swansea, report dated 7 March 1967 (AE239/1/1)

‘It is impossible to remember all the many acts of kindness and assistance received, as well as details of all events of the fateful day of February 7, 1967, but one thing will always be paramount and that is the cooperation and loyalty of the staff at this Headquarters. They displayed all the true traditions of the Force, and carried out their duties magnificently, at no time was there any panic.” Police Inspector, New Norfolk, report dated 15 February 1967 (AE239/1/2)

On 8th February 1967 at the request of State Authorities a relief camp was established at Brighton for some of the homeless. Acommodation for up to 500 was offered. Some eighty families were processed through the camp, the last families leaving three months later on 28 April 1967. A considerable quantity of stores were provided from the mainland for this camp as well as those from local army resources. Army Colonel (CBE24/1/1)

A map of the south Tasmania area with fire damaged areas coloured in red
Areas damaged by fire, February 1967 – Supplied by Tasmanian Fire Service

2 thoughts on “The Fire of ’67”

  1. Andrea Gerrard says:

    I was a student at Lenah Valley Primary School. My mother didn’t realise that she in fact needed to collect me from the school in person, assuming instead that one of our family friends would drop me off. By the time she did come there was only a handful of students left with one or two teachers. During lunch time we were out on the oval and could see the fire that had taken hold behind the Brick Works. In 1967 there were fewer houses there and it was mostly shrub and gorse. The fire was also trickling down the Lenah Valley Creek bed like molten lava – I think part of Baker’s Milk was burnt down. Fortunately none of the houses on Creek Road caught fire. We could also see the fire on the hill behind Rosehill Crescent where we had once lived. My mother brought two wet face washers for us to put over our mouths so we could walk home again. It was hard walking in the thick air.
    My father wasn’t home when we returned as he was further up Lenah Valley fighting fires.
    For anyone who lived through that day in the south of the state, it is a day never to be forgotten.

    • Anna Claydon says:

      My goodness, Andrea, what an amazing story! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!

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