State Library and Tasmanian Archives Blog

Begging for bigamy

6 people posing for a photo. 3 men wearing suits, 3 women wearing bridal dresses.
Wedding party, C.P. Ray collection: TAHO NS392-1-551

In November of 1878, two women from Waratah in the North West of Tasmania began a quest to marry one man. They were happy to share him between them, as long as they could do it with the blessing of a church. 

This man had so many good qualities, but one of the highest on their list was his gloomy expression. They had ‘never yet known him to commit the sin of smiling’.

As devout Christians, they were convinced that the bible had enough examples to support multi-partner marriage. It was the laws of Tasmania that prevented them. If the law wouldn’t bend, they were prepared to travel to ‘the Mormon settlement’, presumably in America.

Couldn’t the grumpy gentleman have just picked his favourite and been done with it? It seems the situation was more complicated than that. Rumour had it that he was already married to a woman in the Victorian colony. Although it was common during colonial times for people to consider themselves single if their husband or wife lived too far away, if people knew you were already married the law could get in the way of you marrying again.

If anyone can work out how this drama was resolved, we would be very interested to know…

A newspaper article. Text reads: “ Matrimonial.
Dear Mr Editor, - Will you please allow two forlorn damsels to state their difficulties, divulge their sorrow , and ask information through your columns? Well, sir, there is a man at the Mount anxious to get a wife, and we are so deeply in love with him that we are both anxious to marry him. With his physical, mental, and moral qualities we have no fault to find. His genteel appearance and winsome manners have thrown a charm around us. Oh, the darling man; so loving and so loveable. Of course we know him to be an exemplary Christian, because he can hold forth with the eloquence of apollos and the intellectuality of Paul,, while he manifests the genuineness of his piety by a uniformly lugubrious visage, we have never yet known him commit the sin of smiling. We want to know, kind sir, if the law of Tasmania will permit us both to get married to him at once, and if so, will the officiating clergyman be allowed to charge double fee for a semi-double marriage? That the scriptures, our life rule, upholds duality in this matter he has clearly shown so that our scruples on this account are put aside. Should the law of Tasmania be against our both marrying him, can you inform use how much it would cost the three of us to reach the Mormon settlement? As it has been suggested that we might make a happy house at this place. We want a law suitable to our circumstances, and if we cannot find it in Tasmania we must seek it elsewhere. We are all well aware that it won’t do to go to Victoria, as it is commonly reported (though we cannot vouch for the accuracy of the report) that he has a wife already in that colony, now, sir, you see our difficulty, and may divine our sorrow. Do please help us if you can, and we shall feel under perpetual obligation to you. Your, &c, Lucy Ann P, Mary M, Waratah.”
Devon Herald Sat 16 Nov 1878 p.3, National Library of Australia

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