Digital Help Drop In at Campbell Town Library

Campbell Town Library 79 High Street, Campbell Town, TAS 7210, Campbell Town, TAS, AU

Quick digital help and learning enquiries. No bookings required. #LibrariesTasmania #CampbellTownLibrary #DigitalSkills #DigitalLiteracyDrop into Campbell Town Library on Thursdays between 10am and 2pm for digital help and learning enquiries. Bring your device if you have one.

Youth Meetup: Anime & Manga at Launceston Library

Launceston Library 71 Civic Square, Launceston, TAS 7250, Launceston, TAS, AU

Do you love all things anime and manga?Are you obsessed with all things anime and manga? Come and join one of our anime and manga meetups!Get together with others and info-dump about your favourite series! Or sit quietly and mysteriously in the corner as though you have a dark backstory...What do we have?Screenings of anime … Continue reading"Youth Meetup: Anime & Manga at Launceston Library"

Gaming Takes Over Launceston Library

Launceston Library 71 Civic Square, Launceston, TAS 7250, Launceston, TAS, AU

Gamers of Tasmania, we invite you to join us in taking over Launceston Library on Sunday 23 March!Gaming Day is back for 2025!Whether you're into D&D, tabletop games, PS4, Nintendo, game design, traditional card games, board games or puzzles, we will be showcasing all that the local gaming community has to offer:Learn and try out … Continue reading"Gaming Takes Over Launceston Library"

Rock and Rhyme at Launceston Library

Launceston Library 71 Civic Square, Launceston, TAS 7250, Launceston, TAS, AU

No bookings required. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 am. #LibrariesTasmania #LauncestonLibrary #RockandRhyme #Kids #FamiliesA fun, free session full of songs and action rhymes for babies and toddlers.Every Tuesday and Thursday during school term,10:00 am – 10:30 am.

Northern Tasmanian Writers Showcase at Launceston Library

Launceston Library 71 Civic Square, Launceston, TAS 7250, Launceston, TAS, AU

Hear from a panel of six indie authors presenting and talking about their work and their writing journey.The authors’ work will cover a range of genres including thriller, romance, fantasy and more!Attendees will be invited to join the conversation, ask questions and meet the authors.#LibrariesTasmania #LauncestonLibrary #TasmaniaReads #North #AuthorTalks

Story Dogs at Ravenswood Library

Ravenswood Library 2 Prossers Forest Road, Ravenswood, TAS 7250, Ravenswood, TAS, AU

This reading session aims to help children relax, open up and have fun while reading to a calm and friendly dog. WOOF!Bring your children to enjoy reading to a dog. This reading session aims to help children relax, open up and have fun while reading to a calm and friendly dog. WOOF!Story Dogs is a … Continue reading"Story Dogs at Ravenswood Library"

SIC Space for Youth at Launceston Library

Launceston Library 71 Civic Square, Launceston, TAS 7250, Launceston, TAS, AU

Are you aged 15-25 and looking for a safe, social chill-out space?Hosted by headspace in partnership wtih Launceston Library.SIC (Social Impact Connection) Space is a casual, safe, social, chill out space every Tuesday afternoon during school terms.18th February - 2025 Survival Kit!Join us to build your own 2025 survival kit, where we’ll kickstart the year … Continue reading"SIC Space for Youth at Launceston Library"