Online Visual Exhibition – Transcript:

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Libraries Tasmania Highlights 2023

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“I look forward to working with the Tasmanian Library Advisory Board (TLAB) to provide even stronger advocacy and support for Libraries Tasmania, helping to raise its profile as an essential Tasmanian cultural institution and a contemporary, vibrant, and highly regarded statewide library and archive service.”

Jan Richards
Chair, Tasmanian Library Advisory Board

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2023 Headlines

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2023 was a sucessful year for Libraries Tasmania: 

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Nipaluna/Hobart has a fantastic history of storytelling dating back thousands of years. It includes the publication of Australia’s first novel in 1818 and the success of contemporary award-winning writers. Hobart is clearly a literary city. However, Tasmania is also a place where low literacy is a challenge. We plan to take advantage of this designation at the State Library of Tasmania and through our statewide public library network to promote reading, writing and a love of books as something for everyone.

Sue McKerracher
Executive Director, Libraries Tasmania

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Public Libraries

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“I moved from the mainland last year. Libraries Tasmania helped me in my transition. I attended courses to improve my digital knowledge, I visit libraries to borrow, I found out about Be Connected, I met friends. On so many levels the library was the link in making me feel settled and happy. Thank you. Your staff are wonderful. The fact I can borrow and return at any branch is fabulous, plus the icing on the cake is the access I have online.”

Libraries Tasmania client

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In 2023 Libraries Tasmania invested in public lending collections with the purchase of more than 55 000 new physical books.

In addition, 20 273 eBooks (7 070 titles) were added to our collection, as well as 10 938 eAudiobooks (225 titles).

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In 2023 public libraries improved programs, services, and spaces to maximise accessibility, engagement, and inclusion.

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“Really appreciate the audio book selection. Listen extensively while working outdoors with a pair of noise cancelling earbuds.”

Libraries Tasmania client

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In 2023 public libraries engaged Tasmanians with reading.

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“I find that the staff and volunteers are very helpful. As one gets older it is not easy to keep up with all the technology that is necessary to use nowadays – let alone learn to keep up-to-date with all the new things that are becoming available. So to have somewhere to go where we can get help is wonderful.”

Libraries Tasmania client

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“Thank you for providing so many wonderful kids programs and activities, we have a two-year-old bookworm in part because she loves to visit the library so much!”

Libraries Tasmania client

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State Library of Tasmania

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In 2023 added the following significant items to the State Library of Tasmania collections:

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The State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives Treasures Gallery hosted two exhibitions in 2023.

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Stories After Dark

Over 3 000 people visited the State Library for Stories After Dark to experience our stories and collections in new ways. Young Tasmanians delivered with creative responses to the State Library collection, and Tasmanians of all ages explored the building and stepped into Tasmania’s past. Visitors relived Hobart’s 70s and 80s music scene in the State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives Reading Room. The Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts hosted cosplayers and the Tasmanian Time Travellers. Campfire stories told in poetry, letters, puppetry, and the spoken word.

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Tasmanian Archives

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“I really appreciated being able to visit the History Room in Hobart and the archives to view my grandfather’s photographs and lantern slides taken over 100 years ago.”

Libraries Tasmania client

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In 2023 Libraries Tasmania invested in preserving Tasmanian records now and for future generations.

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“You provide a fabulous service we would be lost without. The people in Archives couldn’t be more helpful … Thanks for all you do”

Libraries Tasmania client

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Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts

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In 2023 the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts collaborated with contemporary Tasmanian artists for three exhibitions.

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Youth Speak Out

The inaugural Youth Speak Out exhibition opened at the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts in November. The exhibition showcases artwork created through Reconciliation Tasmania’s Youth Speak Out educational initiative, which asked school students to create artwork that shares their opinions and responses on Aboriginal affairs and reconciliation.

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Libraries Tasmania is committed to providing Tasmanians with education, entertainment, and support. From birth onwards, all Tasmanians can find what they need at their local library, whether that be a new release bestseller, a historical record, help with their phone or computer, or reading and writing support. In 2023, we celebrated reading during Tasmania Reads Week, explored Tasmania’s creative past and present for Stories After Dark and supported Hobart’s application to become a UNESCO City of Literature. Both in-person and online, Libraries Tasmania provides high-quality library and archives services to Tasmanians, visitors and people across the world.

Sue McKerracher
Executive Director, Libraries Tasmania