Find records of prisoners after convict transportation finished.
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Gaol records
- 1830-1995 Plans, architectural drawings, elevations and sections of public buildings and infrastructure 1830-1995 – search on “gaol”
- 1861-1933 Tasmania Police Gazettes (POL709). Includes reports of crimes and offences, arrests, notices about absconders, missing people, deserters, release of prisoners, inquest findings and stolen property. The content of the Gazettes changes with time – for example, notices about the release of prisoners finished in 1910. Photographs of prisoners and their details appear in the Gazettes from 1937 to 1949
- 1878-1900 Register of admissions – females with gaps (GD33) Chronological. Details include name, offence, sentence, trade, religion, age, education and number of convictions
- 1881-1900 Physical descriptions of prisoners received 1888-1891 (GD67) volumes 9 and 10 only. Chronological. Provides name, ship, trade, height, age, complexion, head, hair, whiskers, face, forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, native place, remarks. Sometimes includes civil condition, clothing, family, offence, sentence and photograph.
- 1890-1932 Prisoner record books (GD63) Scanned to GD63/7 (Book no. 9). Chronological by date of first admission to the prison. Provide physical descriptions and photographs, birthplace, birth date, religion, education and marital status. Contain offences and sentences including dates and places of sentences not served in Tasmania.
- 1890-1962 Index to prisoners record books (GD65) Quotes the book number and page number in GD63. These records can be searched by name using the Tasmanian Names Index.
- 1891-1900 Register of admissions – males (GD32) Chronological. Details include name, offence, sentence, trade, religion, age, education and number of convictions
- 1895-1902 Photographic record and descriptions of prisoners (with gaps) (GD128) Chronological according to a registered number (B1-B157) assigned to the photograph. Records the name of the prisoner and date photographed.
- 1904-1908 Photographs of convicted criminals (POL708 Volume 1). Chronological by date of conviction. These volumes of duplicate photographs, descriptions and records of prisoners were made at Hobart Gaol and forwarded to the Inspecting Superintendent of Police. These records can be searched by name using the Tasmanian Names Index
- Some images of Tasmanian prisons