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Search HelpJoin the fun at Street Eats @ Franko when Silver Words poets take the stage.
Street Eats is a hyperactive inner-city night food and drink market with a rotating cast of musical acts to keep you fed, watered and grooving. During Tasmania Reads Week, Street Eats will be featuring six poets from Silver Words, Hobart’s local spoken word night: Abigail Rose Jones, Sam Cameron, Laura Panopoulos, Luke Warm, Zara Casimaty, and Randal Morrison.
This is a free event, and bookings aren’t required.
Silver Words is a spoken word open-mic event which means you can perform anything that you can speak, rap, yell, whisper or declaim, as long as it’s spoken. If you’ve ever wanted to perform your writing in front of a supportive and engaged audience or hear new writers perform, go sign up. Follow @silverwordspoetry for upcoming events – the next event is Wednesday 2nd April, 6:30pm at Shambles Brewery.
#TasmaniaReads #LibrariesTasmania