Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion in 2023

In 2023, we demonstrated our commitment to making our libraries and archives accessible for all, through a range of actions.

We made it easier to become and stay a member with new online only memberships and no expiry dates. We removed the title field from member registration and expanded the gender field selections.

We made our spaces and websites more inclusive. We provided all our public libraries with rainbows to show that they are safe and welcoming spaces. Library renovations prioritised accessibility for wheelchair-users. We removed colonial furniture from the State Library to increase cultural safety for Tasmanian Aboriginal people. Online, we redeveloped our websites to meet WCAG 2.0 requirements and to include translation functionality.

Our library programs celebrated Tasmanian diversity with multilingual and LGBTIQA+ Storytimes, as well as English Conversation Group sessions. During the school holidays, we partnered with Aboriginal Education to provide cultural workshops to our library communities. Our library collections cater to all Tasmanians. Members can borrow resources in a variety of languages, on diverse topics, and in different ways. Following book challenges in other parts of Australia and the world, we continued to uphold freedom of access to information, opposing the banning of books in public libraries. To keep our collections accessible, we continued to offer Large Print, eBook, and eAudiobook collections, and a Home Library Service, delivering books and other items to members unable to come to their local library.