Financial support

We gratefully accept financial donations through gifts, bequests and endowments.

What kind of financial donations do we accept?

You can specify what the donations will be used for, or place no restrictions on its use. We can help negotiate any specific terms and conditions.

How can my donation help?

Monetary gifts made without restriction support services we cannot cover through our normal operating budget.  For example, they may help:

  • run educational programs for parents on the benefits of reading to children
  • conduct Rock and Rhyme and other early literacy development programs in remote locations
  • acquire rare and unique items for the Tasmanian collection
  • sponsor travelling exhibitions and author visits.

How do I make a monetary donation? 

  • Make a cash donation in person at any of our sites, or
  • EFT/bank transfer or cheque to the State Library of Tasmania (ABN: 26 237 631 294). Please contact our Manager of Business Services on (03) 6165 5567 for details.

All donations over $2 are tax-deductible.

If you have any questions, please email

Leave a bequest 

By making a bequest in your will to us, you will leave a lasting legacy that will benefit future generations for many years to come. You can choose to leave a general bequest, or a bequest for a particular purpose, such as:

  • purchase of specific books for the lending or reference collections
  • family literacy and lifelong learning programs
  • Tasmanian heritage
  • public exhibitions
  • professional development and research.

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