Strategic Directions 2024-2027

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Our organisation

Libraries Tasmania provides contemporary library and archives services to all Tasmanians.

Libraries Tasmania is comprised of the State Library and Archives of Tasmania (including the Allport Library and Museum of Fine Arts), 46 public libraries, the Risdon Prison library service, and the Office of the State Archivist.

Our Why

Bright Lives. Positive Futures.

Our How

Every Tasmanian is connected with reading and ideas, and our histories and cultures, in welcoming, safe, inclusive spaces. 

Our Values

Our Strategic Priorities 2024-2027

  • Grow literacy and reading.
  • Increase engagement with our cultural collections.
  • Improve client engagement and experience.
  • Ensure our collections and spaces are culturally safe for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Curate collections and spaces that are inclusive and celebrate diversity.

Our Foundations

  • A valued and capable workforce.
  • Strong partnerships with community.
  • Improvement informed by inquiry and evidence.
  • Sustainable operations.
  • Physical and digital infrastructure.

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