2.6 Reference Collection areas and subject strengths
Ready Reference
Every library holds a core collection of up to date ready reference titles which include:
English dictionary
English thesaurus
Medical dictionary
Family health guide
Australian law dictionary
Tasmanian street directory
Tasmanian travel guide
Key Tasmanian tourist guides for walking, riding, camping, parks and reserves
Guides to Tasmanian flora and fauna
Tasmanian road rules
Australian touring atlas
World atlas
Local newspapers.
General Reference
Larger libraries hold a wider range of general reference titles which may include:
Family history
Religious texts including the bible, torah and qur’an
Translation dictionaries
Interstate street directories
Service manuals
Family law handbook
materials relating to Australian prime ministers
Antique and collectors’ guides
Motor vehicle service manuals
Subject specific dictionaries and handbooks.
Local Studies
Each library holds a diverse range of items of relevance to the local community. These may include:
Local and regional histories
Environmental and socio-economic studies (including government reports)
Works by local authors
Natural and cultural landmarks
People, including family histories
Businesses and industries
Parks, recreation and tourist attractions.
Larger libraries hold a wider range of local studies items which pertain to the broader regional area, including the relevant library catchment.