Tasmanian archive and heritage films and DVDs

The items on this page can be purchased by filling out the Items for sale order form or when you visit the State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives Reading Room.

Prices do not include postage and handling, so this cost will be added to the invoice for items that are to be delivered.

Items collected from a Libraries Tasmania library will not incur a postage and handling cost.

House remains post bushfire

Fire on the island – Tasmanian bushfires

A compilation of films and videos of bushfires and firefighting in Tasmania.


Tasmanian bushwalking – 1913 – 1936

A compilation of films made by bushwalkers in Tasmania.


Historical photo of north west coast

North West Coast

A compilation of films and videos from various parts of the Tasmanian North West.


Historic photo of Tasmanian train

Tasmanian trains and railways

A compilation of films relating to railways and trains in Tasmania. View a scene


Port Arthur Historic Site

A compilation of films from this historic site.


Tasmanian Passenger Ferry

Save the lady

A children’s film from the Tasmanian film corporation. A story about an attempt to save a ferry from destruction. Now also available on YouTube.


Historic photo of yacht

Royal Hobart Regatta

A compilation from 8 regattas from 1913-1968 showcasing the range of sports & activities of this event. View a scene


1980s Tasmanian tv footage

Fatty and George

A 1980s Tasmanian science fiction/fantasy television series about three children and a crystal that controls time. Now also available on Youtube.


Historic photo of building construction in Hobart

Some early glimpses of Hobart

A compilation of four films showing the life and changes in Hobart over four decades.


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