Trending from the Libraries Tasmania collections

Library Catalogue

Names Index

Digitised Images

Photograph – Queenborough Cemetery, Sandy Bay-before demolition.
Photograph – Queenborough Cemetery, Sandy Bay-before demolition.
Register of children admitted and discharged
Film – Echoes In Freestone – pioneer days of Tasmania featuring historic Richmond. Important architecture dating back to 1830s. Tas Film production
Duplicate despatches
Surnames P – Y
Patrick Christee 20/1920
Map – Lincoln 4 – diagram of the Kenneth lagoon and lines connecting it with the Clarence lagoon, King William's Plains, surveyor John King, field book no.497
Photograph – Lake Rodway and Flynn's Tarn from summit of Cradle Mountain – and other views c 1920's
Map – Buckingham 17A – parishes of Hobart and Glenorchy, various landholders – surveyors Babington and Dickson
Film – Beaumaris Zoo thylacine – prod. Bester
Map – Buckingham 9 – parish of Glenorchy, landholders near Humphrey and Islet Rivulets
Map – Buckingham 137 – parish of Glenorchy, allotments – surveyor C Wedge
Map – Hobart 1 – Survey of Hobart – Original Layout (copy) of Mr Meehan’s plan of Hobart Town on the River Derwent Van Diemen’s Land (see plan Hobart 131 for this portion) James Meehan Surveyor.
982 Ellen Hartnett.
Conduct registers for female convicts – surnames beginning with H – L
Map – Hobart 19 – Sullivans Cove and part of Hobart Town
Convict surnames beginning with P (1804 – Jan 1830) Q (1810 – Jan 1830) and R (1804 – Jan 1830)
7155-7171 (except 7156, 7167-8, 7170).

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  • Book covers and digitised images are harvested every 24 hours to discover which items are being accessed most frequently across our collections.
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