

Explore archival records on Tasmanian lighthouses. Records cover Tasmanian lighthouses from the 1832 station at Iron Pot in the Derwent Estuary up to 1915, when responsibility for lighthouses was transferred to the Commonwealth Government.

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What else is there?

These are the more significant records relating to Lighthouses.

Archival records of Tasmanian lighthouses are not available online but can be requested in person. Please use the unique series identifier (e.g. AB830) when requesting these records.

General records

Logbooks, reports and returns from lighthouses

1846-1934 Correspondence with and returns and reports from lighthouse keepers (MB2/5)

These include:

1852-1886 Logbook returns sent in from lighthouse keepers 1852-1886 (AB760)


Logbook kept at Macquarie Inner Lighthouse 1894-1908, 1910-1912 (MB3/28)

Journal of Henry W Kendrick, Lighthouse keeper, Table Cape Jun – Oct 1895 (NS1470)

Employment records

1858-1902 Record of men employed in the Lighthouse Service arranged by Station (AE478)

Other photos and plans of lighthouses not digitised

Public Works Department records



The records listed are the most significant related to lighthouses. Search the archives for more.