Life as a child in care


Find Tasmanian records for:

What is online?

For multiple items (for example SWD26):

Queens Orphan School

Launceston Benevolent Society

Other relevant records online

What else is there?

Archival records

You will find many references to clients through an online basic search. Records less than 75 years will not appear as access is restricted. This will find the following types of records quicker than searching each hyperlink below.

Indexes and registers are valuable because:

Unrestricted community welfare finding aids:

Government Agencies

Non-Government Organisations

Library resources



What can I find from other organisations?

We provide limited access to welfare records to ensure privacy is respected.

If you believe there are records on a family member, please apply to the Department of Health and Human Services for access.

The following organisations may also be of use:

Hobart Benevolent Society
27 Watchorn Street,
Hobart TAS 7000
(03) 6234 1296

Uniting Care Tasmania has managed the Society since 2013.

Launceston Benevolent Society

Find & Connect Support Service Tasmania

Friends of the Orphan Schools