BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Libraries Tasmania - ECPv6.5.0//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Libraries Tasmania REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Australia/Hobart BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+1100 TZOFFSETTO:+1000 TZNAME:AEST DTSTART:20240406T160000 END:STANDARD BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+1000 TZOFFSETTO:+1100 TZNAME:AEDT DTSTART:20241005T160000 END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240522T120000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240522T123000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044322Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044322Z SUMMARY:National Simultaneous Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Join us to share the story ‘Bowerbird Blues’ by Aura Parker!\n\n\nBowerbird Blues by Aura Parker tells the story of a beautiful bowerbird on the search for blue! Magnificent colbalt. Brilliant\, vibrant blue! But something is missing. What could it be? \nThis year’s title will be read by Police Constable Connor Bramich. \nJoin us for a fun reading of the story and some creative activities. Make your own bowerbird mobile using sticks and other materials. All materials provided! \nAll ages welcome. Registration not required. \n#NSST2024 #LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrarytas #BowerBirdBlues URL: LOCATION:134 Nelson St\, 134 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169526_image.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240523T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240523T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044842Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044842Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240523T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240523T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044845Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044845Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240524T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240524T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044848Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044848Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240530T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240530T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044852Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044852Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240530T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240530T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044855Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044855Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240531T080000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240531T190000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044338Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044338Z SUMMARY:Brixhibition at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Brixhibition invite Primary School students to compete in an individual Lego Competition.\n\n\nThe Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Inc. and Brixhibition invite Primary School students to compete in an individual Lego Competition. \nBurnie Library Brixhibition details: \nEntry forms to be returned to Burnie Library by Friday 31 May \nFinished Lego models to Burnie Library from: Wednesday 12 June 2PM to Friday 14 June 6PM \nJudging will take place on Friday 14 June from 6PM \nPublic viewing Saturday 15 June 9.30 to 12.30 \nWinners for Burnie Library will be announced on Tuesday 18 June \nMedallions and Prizes provided by Brixhibition \n \nBrixhibition Ulverstone details: \nEach overall winner will be invited to display their winning Lego creations at Brixhibition Ulverstone\, at the Sports Centre\, Flora Street\, Ulverstone \nSaturday 13th & Sun 14th July. \nAll Brixhibition Kids Comp winners displayed at Brixhibiton will be judged by Tasmanian Brick Enthusiasts Inc. members (approx. 30 judges). \nBrixhibition Overall Grand Prize Winners Prizes: \n1st Place: $300 Lego voucher + Trophy \n2nd Place: $200 Lego voucher + Trophy \n3rd Place: $100 Lego voucher + Trophy \n4th Place: Trophy \nWinners announced at 3:20pm Sunday 14 July at Brixhibition Ulverstone. \nFor more information visit: \n#LibrariesTasmania # BurnieLibrary #Kids #Youth URL: LOCATION:134 Nelson St\, 134 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169918_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240531T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240531T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044858Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044858Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240603T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20241215T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240507T044251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240507T044251Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240606T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240606T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044903Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044903Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240606T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240606T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044907Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044907Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240607T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240607T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044911Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044911Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240610T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240610T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044354Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044354Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240613T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240613T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044914Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044914Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240613T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240613T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044917Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044917Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240614T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240614T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044920Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044920Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240617T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240617T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044403Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044403Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240620T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240620T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044930Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044930Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240620T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240620T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044933Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044933Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240621T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240621T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044937Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044937Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240624T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240624T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044410Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044410Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240627T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240627T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044941Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044941Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240627T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240627T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044943Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044943Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240628T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240628T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T044946Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T044946Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240701T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240701T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044424Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044424Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240704T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240704T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T045001Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T045001Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240704T113000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240704T120000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T045004Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T045004Z SUMMARY:Storytime at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers reading and sharing stories.\n\n\nStorytime is a 1/2 hour session of reading stories. Sessions are aimed at pre-schoolers aged 2-5 years. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent/carer. \nParking is available at the rear of the library. Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please\, practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you.* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \n#LibrariesTasmania \n#SmithtonLibrary \n#Storytime #Kids #Families URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129607_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240705T130000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240705T140000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T045007Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T045007Z SUMMARY:English Conversation Group at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:A free and fun social group to learn and practice English.\n\n\nDo you want to improve your English? Meet other adults who are learning English and practice your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly environment. People from all cultures are welcome. \nBookings essential – Register on Eventbrite or text or call Anne on 0428 187 880. \nFor more information or to book over the phone contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nParking is available at he rear of the library. \nSmithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors. For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574. \nTo help us deliver a successful program please. Practice good hygiene. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell. Thanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania #SmithtonLibrary #EnglishConversation URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129610_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240708T153000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240708T163000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240508T044434Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240508T044434Z SUMMARY:LEGO Club at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:The LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights!\n\n\nCalling all young builders and imaginative minds! LEGO Club is here to ignite your creativity and take your building skills to new heights! From themed building challenges to exciting competitions\, our LEGO Club promises non-stop fun and excitement for all little builders. \nParking is available at he rear of the library.Smithton Library has an accessible entrance ramp at the front with automatic doors.For any specific accessibility requirements or questions\, feel free to contact us at 6478 9574.To help us deliver a successful program please\, Register all participants on Eventbrite. We will provide sanitiser for you. \n* Do not visit the library if you’re unwell \nThanks for your help. We look forward to seeing you. \n# LibrariesTasmania \n# SmithtonLibrary \n#LEGO \n# Kids URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/169877_image.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240711T110000 DTEND;TZID=Australia/Hobart:20240711T113000 DTSTAMP:20240518T184028 CREATED:20240112T045011Z LAST-MODIFIED:20240112T045011Z SUMMARY:Rock & Rhyme at Smithton Library DESCRIPTION:Rock and Rhyme & Storytime is a free weekly session for preschoolers that includes stories\, songs\, rhymes and actions.\n\n\nRock & Rhyme & Storytime is an interactive session for parents and/or carers and their babies/toddler. Our hour session includes songs\, nursery rhymes\, stories\, and lots of actions. We believe that singing and repeating rhymes with your child helps to develop their listening\, memory and vocabulary skills\, as well as promoting a greater bond between child and parent. Reading is a free and fun family activity\, sharing books with your child helps develop their listening\, memory and language skills. \nA ticket must be purchased for both the child (one each for all children) and the adult \nFor more information contact Smithton Library on 64789574 or \nWe request that: \n• A carer or guardian attend with the child \n• You maintain physical distancing during the program \n• You do not attend if you are unwell \n• You follow the hygiene practices that have been implemented (eg hand washing or sanitising). \nThank you for helping us meet these requirements. We look forward to seeing you. \n#LibrariesTasmania\n \n#SmithtonLibrary URL: LOCATION:Smithton Library and Online Access Centre\, 134-140 Nelson Street\, Smithton\, TAS 7330\, Smithton\, 7330\, AU ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/129604_image.png END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR